JV Panthers VS Lions

Sunday, August 30, 2009

For Jacob's first game of the season he played Strong Tackle. Unfortunately, the other strong tackles on the Gold team are Juniors, so Jake got a total of 3 plays during the entire game. He was disappointed to say the least, but he is taking it in stride and using it as motivation to push harder to show the Coaches that he is the man to play.

Dylan Jaymes Johnson

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dylan Jaymes Johnson arrived at 3:59 p.m. today. He was a perfect 7 lbs. 13 oz. and 21.5 inches long. Congratulations Stacy, Jamie, Sierra, Ayda, and Cheyenne!
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

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Fall Training

Fall Football Training has begun in Texas! Even in the 108 degree heat the Panthers still train for what is going to be an awesome 2009 Season.
Jacob is working hard, slimming down, and buffing up with constant training before school starts. Before the Blue and Gold Scrimmage, he was playing Center. It's easy to find him in the photos because of his blue underarmor....Plus, he's the biggest thing out there! The coaches told him yesterday that he will be playing Strong side tackle! Bob and Jake are SO excited! I personally don't TOTALLY understand what this means, but I can deduce that it's a really good thing :D


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