
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Look How much Kenzie has grown!

Kenzie is 3!!!

I had the privilege of photographing Meckenzie's 3rd Birthday party today.
What a cutie!

Birthday Cake!

Anti Noise!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wow! Nik's Dfine 2.0 noise reduction is PHENOMENAL!

Check out this Before...

(Click on it to REALLY see the noise! (What is noise??? =Annoying pixelations!)


Nik Filters!

I went to the Austin Photo Expo today and learned about some Awesome Photoshop Plugins!

Here is my photo SOC (straight out of the camera) of the beautiful Miss Gracie...

And here it is after using the "Viveza" plugin to amp up the sky and brighten Gracie's shirt...

One of the most awesome parts about it is thta it only took about 5 minutes AND no selection tool required!


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Click here to view these pictures larger


Saturday, May 8, 2010


Maternity Shoot!

My Friend Raquel and her beautiful family allowed me to gain some practice shooting today.
Perfect Timing for Mother's Day!

Here is her sweet daughter: