Birth Day

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It is my birthday! I have to say that it has been one of the best I've had in a while.

This morning I slept in until the beautiful sun streamed in my window and woke me up. A while later my oldest son went and got me a Starbuck's Mocha and brought it to me.

While I was driving to the Salon for my pedicure Caleb and I shared some music and spent some quality time together. During my pedicure I relaxed, enjoyed the massaging chair, and relaxed some more.

We had our family photos done by a professional photographer! I can't wait to see how they come out!

For dinner, the boys made me waffles with strawberries and whipped cream.

Jake and Nate massaged my feet.

I am lounging and checking all the facebook birthday wishes and getting ready to do a scrapbook page.

Aaahhhhhhhh, it's such blisss.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A phenomenon has occurred this week with both of my older two boys. It is a sign that parents hope for, but somehow it caught me off guard that it is happening so soon.


First- Caleb and I test drove two cars--one of which had 4 doors, power windows and door locks And an Awesome stereo system that has a connection for the iPhone And a remote! The other car was a 2-door car with manual windows, door locks, and a plain radio and Cassette deck. The first car had 153K miles and the 2nd one had 71K miles. I would have thought that the stereo, power locks and windows would've appealed more to Caleb-- but he said that of the two he would like to get the 2 door because it had less miles and would last longer!!

Second- Jacob called Caleb to come get him and bring him home because he was bored and no longer interested in spending all night playing video games when he knew he had football practice the next day.

This is SO awesome that my boys are making these mature decisions!

**I am so proud****

Recent Faves

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Prayer time focus: 140 days of prayer for our nation. Download Dr. Stanley's Prayer Guide here

Breakfast: Orowheat Multigrain Sandwich Thins with cooked egg white and turkey bacon. Mmmm Healthy McMuffin!
Breakfast drink: Zen Tea

Bonus Drink: (If I'm at Brack) Douwe Egberts coffee with half n half and Splenda

Lunch Drink: Fresca (In an effort to avoid colored diet sodas)
Fruit: Mangos mmmmmmmm

Lunch: Lean Cuisine Spa Collection...favorite: Lemongrass Chicken

Fun: Purple frosty eye cream (Revlon) with Black and Smoky Eyeshadows.

Super Fun: Stampin'

Digi Scrappin'

Cooool Idea!!! Just take a template, add blog journaling and pictures and Voila!

Kewel SB digi pages!

Journaling Class

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Woo Hoo! Elle's Studio is having a Free journaling class that begins Monday!!!
Sign up and do it with me!