Fall Layout

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I was in the mood for a change to the blog. That is what I LOVE about this blog. All the posts stay there and just the look changes!

Credits to Dana Zarling of Designer Digitals for the Digi Kit: "Up in the Attic"

I will probably change it again for Christmas, but I was feeling in the mood for the Fall colors :)

(Who loves Photoshop!)

My Mary Janes

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So, I did less than wonderful on an exam today. This is seriously the most irate I have been in probably 16 years...no, maybe since the last time I was the only tech on duty and there were 4 c-sections and like 4 deliveries and a D/C...but that's another story! (I was irate b/c I ran out of time to study and due to a misunderstanding he didn't wake me up when he woke up...)

Anyway, my hubby got me these awesome Mary Janes at Kohl's to console me. He is so wonderful...and he knows me so well! We went for a late lunch to Chick-fil-A, chatted in a sunny booth over waffle fries and a brownie -a-la-mode. Then he surprised me by stopping at Kohl's and pulled out a gift card he had been saving!

Needless to say (although I still have to take the retest, which is ALL essay) I feel better right now.

Bags Anyone?

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Amy Butler Birdie Sling that Caleb made me keeps getting more and more compliments! He has said that he would like to sell them online or to friends, so I'm compiling a list of my favorite site to buy AWESOME Fabrics from.

I just found this etsy site: Sew Love Fabric

I have purchased several fabrics from Mama's Pocketbook and A Joyful Soul Fabrics

These are my favorite designers:
Amy Butler
Heather Bailey
"PortabellaPixie" Sandy Henderson
and Michael Miller

If you are interested in having a Birdie Sling made, please contact me at awellauer@hopespringdesign.com


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This is a cool Rascall Flatts song I discovered on a friend's Facebook favorites today.

I hope you like it as much as I do!

Back Porch Memories

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yay! my Back Porch Memories October Kit is here!

This is the 2nd time I have purchased a kit from an online club and I am super happy with the quality and quantity of my kit.

I can't WAIT to use it. It comes with a cool link to page plans by the kit designer, too!

You can get yours at: http://www.backporchmemories.com/

It puts me in the mood to scrap some Fall memories for sure!


Monday, October 20, 2008

...is the feeling I have. I was just messing around with the photos I took and sent this to my friend Audra. She loved it and now it is her official baby announcement!

Credits: Distressed frame: Designer Digitals (Thank you Candice & Katie). Font: Pharmacy.

Tip:(if you click on it and it's too big in FireFox use Ctrl -- to make it smaller.)


Friday, October 17, 2008

Five weeks 'til I'm on days!!! The weekend of November 22 will mark the end of my 8 month stint on nights--PTL! I am really looking forward to the change.

I can already tell that the end of the year is going to FLY by!

Things on my list to do by January 1st:

  1. Get carpets cleaned.
  2. Get Fence repaired.
  3. Pull weeds and mulch.
  4. Take family photos at Zilker botanical garden.
  5. Bilateral Mammogram/ultrasound.
  6. Visit to the dentist for cleaning.
  7. Make Christmas cards.
  8. Finish Microbiology class.
  9. Register for Spring classes: Physiology, Human Growth & Development, Nursing Skills.
  10. Shopping/girl time on the day after Thanksgiving.
  11. Spend lots of time with my family over the Christmas break (Dec. 14-Jan. 20)
  12. Have breakfast with my sis at least 3 times.
  13. Spend time with Adriana at least 5 times.
  14. Start working out at the gym 2+ x a week.

Do you have some pressing things on your end of year list?

Big Jake

Monday, October 13, 2008

How would you like to be the guy Jacob is facing down ? Not the guy across on the line either? Awww why not? :)

Too fun. Good thing his heart is as big as he is!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

They don't match! Such a bummer! I need to find a new fabric for the handle. I will still be able to find something to make with the stripe and other fabric, but the Olive Acanthus DOES NOT match the other 2 and it's the MAIN one!

I've see lots of stuff on etsy that is eclectic and fabrics that I would not have put together myself...but these don't really work to me...

ho hum.

Feels Good

Friday, October 10, 2008

Aaaaahhhhhhhh is what I said after my test was over on Tuesday. It's kind of like a leftover adrenaline rush that makes you a little giddy when you are done with an exam like that and you feel pretty sure that you did well. I was more outgoing and maybe a little silly while I was in lab. I knew I got 43 out of 49 on the multiple choice part since my professor was nice enough to run the scantrons and show me. I was not sure how I did on the 20 points of essay questions, though.

YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! Is what I felt when I got my paper back to look at yesterday! I got a 92% --A!!! It's more than I expected and I again felt giddy during lab. Praise the Lord!

I told Bob that before the test the picture up top is what I felt like ( without the smile so much).

Now, I am halfway through the semester and feeling much better about it.

Stories in Hand

Cool! Jessica Sprague has a new class on her website that teaches us how to preserve our stories whether they are scrapbookable or NOT!

I HIGHLY recommend signing up for this!

The Dance

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dancing With God

When I meditated on the word Guidance,

I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word.

I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.

When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.

The movement doesn't flow with the music,

and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.

When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead,

both bodies begin to flow with the music.

One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back

or by pressing lightly in one direction or another.

It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully.

The dance takes surrender, willingness,

and attentiveness from one person

and gentle guidance and skill from the other.

My eyes drew back to the word Guidance.

When I saw "G": I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i".

"God, "u" and "i" dance."

God, you, and I dance.

As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust

that I would get guidance about my life.

Once again, I became willing to let God lead.

This was sent to me by a very wise young friend. I hope I remember to surrender my will and enjoy the music of my life that the Lord has ordained.

Have a blessed day!


Sunday, October 5, 2008

I can't believe it!
I won the stampset giveaway on Jana Eubanks blog!

I will have to reward myself with using it when I finish my test on Tuesday.
I have to say that this unit has been grueling.
The glycolysis, Kreb's cycle, electron transport chain, fermentation, pentose phosphate pathway, Calvin-Benson cycle, photosynthesis, and the 3 types of phosphorylation have kicked my butt and that's only 1 out of the 3 chapters!

I sure hope I make a good grade on this one!

The Lord has provided GORGEOUS weather this week to help me stay strong. Thank you Jesus for taking such good care of me.

I have to give lots of Kudos to Bob for keeping everything humming right along during all this, too. He makes me feel like such a princess.

He presented me with Fresca and Chex mix when he got home and then when I asked where the chocolate was he took Caleb back to the store and got Reeses pieces, Mint 3 Muskateers, Twix, and a snickers! I guess I've made it quite obvious that I'm stressed. He sure knows how to take care of me :)

Panthers vs. Dragons

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pflugerville Panthers vs. Round Rock Dragons