Back To Days

Monday, November 10, 2008

This has been an incredible 2 weeks in many ways.
The usual running uphill on an escalator pace has really started to affect my family and after talking with my kids and realizing a few things I have decided to finish this semester and then put of school indefinitely. It is a hard choice and it is an easy choice. I am very relieved and I KNOW it's the right choice.

The day before I left for my Mom's, Bob and I had started to discuss it and on the airplane I was able to really read "The Age of Opportunity". I had begun to read this book 2 years earlier, but not really at any great length. On that plane, the Lord began to reveal some truths to me about who I am called to be. Who it is that I am called to disciple and minister to. While nursing is a high calling in itself, being a mother to my 3 boys and a wife to my husband IS the highest calling of my life. In the scope of eternity, getting my RN isn't even on the map. The realization that I only have a year and a half left before Caleb will be a high school graduate added to the poignancy of the choice. Yes, I did think that I could do it all. --Yes, I still could do it all---but at what cost? The sacrifice is too great to continue, it is time to get back on the road that the Lord has first ordained for me 16 years ago.

That being said--when I returned from my trip, I immediately had an exam to retake, lectures and labs. I went to school on Wednesday to take the exam and about an hour and a half into the test, I did some calculating and decided that I wouldn't be able to improve my test score by completing 3 more hours of essay--so I opted to opt out. When I asked the testing center staff to shred my papers they looked at me in disbelief and then told me that my husband had left a note. Apparently, I was so focused on the exam that I had not noticed him coming in. I read the note and found that fter Bob dropped me off for my retest, the van broke down 2 blocks from the college. I had already gone into the testing center and begun the test, so he couldn't reach me but by walking back and leaving a note. I called him and he was still waiting for the tow truck. So, it was fortuitous that I had decided to scrap the test.

While we were at the mechanic's waiting, I called my supervisor and told her my decision and she was very concerned and empathized. She then informed me that she had just been discussing the new positions for the expansion with our Director and that they were going to have an 8 hour day shift available now!!! I could hardly believe it! God is so amazing the way that he paves the way without us even asking. It is a real confirmation that the change is His will. Praise the LORD!!!

Now that this weekend is done, I only have 2 more night shifts!!! I am feeling relieved already. It will be so great to be a day person again! I will do 12 hour day shifts until my class is done and then switch to 8s in December!!

Patricia Komara

Wow! I found another awesome designer to admire--Her style is amAzing!!!

Here is her gallery on and she also has a blog to follow:

I'm definitely going to be scraplifting some of these in the near future!


Fall Layout

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I was in the mood for a change to the blog. That is what I LOVE about this blog. All the posts stay there and just the look changes!

Credits to Dana Zarling of Designer Digitals for the Digi Kit: "Up in the Attic"

I will probably change it again for Christmas, but I was feeling in the mood for the Fall colors :)

(Who loves Photoshop!)

My Mary Janes

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So, I did less than wonderful on an exam today. This is seriously the most irate I have been in probably 16, maybe since the last time I was the only tech on duty and there were 4 c-sections and like 4 deliveries and a D/C...but that's another story! (I was irate b/c I ran out of time to study and due to a misunderstanding he didn't wake me up when he woke up...)

Anyway, my hubby got me these awesome Mary Janes at Kohl's to console me. He is so wonderful...and he knows me so well! We went for a late lunch to Chick-fil-A, chatted in a sunny booth over waffle fries and a brownie -a-la-mode. Then he surprised me by stopping at Kohl's and pulled out a gift card he had been saving!

Needless to say (although I still have to take the retest, which is ALL essay) I feel better right now.

Bags Anyone?

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Amy Butler Birdie Sling that Caleb made me keeps getting more and more compliments! He has said that he would like to sell them online or to friends, so I'm compiling a list of my favorite site to buy AWESOME Fabrics from.

I just found this etsy site: Sew Love Fabric

I have purchased several fabrics from Mama's Pocketbook and A Joyful Soul Fabrics

These are my favorite designers:
Amy Butler
Heather Bailey
"PortabellaPixie" Sandy Henderson
and Michael Miller

If you are interested in having a Birdie Sling made, please contact me at


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This is a cool Rascall Flatts song I discovered on a friend's Facebook favorites today.

I hope you like it as much as I do!

Back Porch Memories

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yay! my Back Porch Memories October Kit is here!

This is the 2nd time I have purchased a kit from an online club and I am super happy with the quality and quantity of my kit.

I can't WAIT to use it. It comes with a cool link to page plans by the kit designer, too!

You can get yours at:

It puts me in the mood to scrap some Fall memories for sure!


Monday, October 20, 2008 the feeling I have. I was just messing around with the photos I took and sent this to my friend Audra. She loved it and now it is her official baby announcement!

Credits: Distressed frame: Designer Digitals (Thank you Candice & Katie). Font: Pharmacy.

Tip:(if you click on it and it's too big in FireFox use Ctrl -- to make it smaller.)


Friday, October 17, 2008

Five weeks 'til I'm on days!!! The weekend of November 22 will mark the end of my 8 month stint on nights--PTL! I am really looking forward to the change.

I can already tell that the end of the year is going to FLY by!

Things on my list to do by January 1st:

  1. Get carpets cleaned.
  2. Get Fence repaired.
  3. Pull weeds and mulch.
  4. Take family photos at Zilker botanical garden.
  5. Bilateral Mammogram/ultrasound.
  6. Visit to the dentist for cleaning.
  7. Make Christmas cards.
  8. Finish Microbiology class.
  9. Register for Spring classes: Physiology, Human Growth & Development, Nursing Skills.
  10. Shopping/girl time on the day after Thanksgiving.
  11. Spend lots of time with my family over the Christmas break (Dec. 14-Jan. 20)
  12. Have breakfast with my sis at least 3 times.
  13. Spend time with Adriana at least 5 times.
  14. Start working out at the gym 2+ x a week.

Do you have some pressing things on your end of year list?

Big Jake

Monday, October 13, 2008

How would you like to be the guy Jacob is facing down ? Not the guy across on the line either? Awww why not? :)

Too fun. Good thing his heart is as big as he is!


Saturday, October 11, 2008

They don't match! Such a bummer! I need to find a new fabric for the handle. I will still be able to find something to make with the stripe and other fabric, but the Olive Acanthus DOES NOT match the other 2 and it's the MAIN one!

I've see lots of stuff on etsy that is eclectic and fabrics that I would not have put together myself...but these don't really work to me...

ho hum.

Feels Good

Friday, October 10, 2008

Aaaaahhhhhhhh is what I said after my test was over on Tuesday. It's kind of like a leftover adrenaline rush that makes you a little giddy when you are done with an exam like that and you feel pretty sure that you did well. I was more outgoing and maybe a little silly while I was in lab. I knew I got 43 out of 49 on the multiple choice part since my professor was nice enough to run the scantrons and show me. I was not sure how I did on the 20 points of essay questions, though.

YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! Is what I felt when I got my paper back to look at yesterday! I got a 92% --A!!! It's more than I expected and I again felt giddy during lab. Praise the Lord!

I told Bob that before the test the picture up top is what I felt like ( without the smile so much).

Now, I am halfway through the semester and feeling much better about it.

Stories in Hand

Cool! Jessica Sprague has a new class on her website that teaches us how to preserve our stories whether they are scrapbookable or NOT!

I HIGHLY recommend signing up for this!

The Dance

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dancing With God

When I meditated on the word Guidance,

I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word.

I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing.

When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.

The movement doesn't flow with the music,

and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.

When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead,

both bodies begin to flow with the music.

One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back

or by pressing lightly in one direction or another.

It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully.

The dance takes surrender, willingness,

and attentiveness from one person

and gentle guidance and skill from the other.

My eyes drew back to the word Guidance.

When I saw "G": I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i".

"God, "u" and "i" dance."

God, you, and I dance.

As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust

that I would get guidance about my life.

Once again, I became willing to let God lead.

This was sent to me by a very wise young friend. I hope I remember to surrender my will and enjoy the music of my life that the Lord has ordained.

Have a blessed day!


Sunday, October 5, 2008

I can't believe it!
I won the stampset giveaway on Jana Eubanks blog!

I will have to reward myself with using it when I finish my test on Tuesday.
I have to say that this unit has been grueling.
The glycolysis, Kreb's cycle, electron transport chain, fermentation, pentose phosphate pathway, Calvin-Benson cycle, photosynthesis, and the 3 types of phosphorylation have kicked my butt and that's only 1 out of the 3 chapters!

I sure hope I make a good grade on this one!

The Lord has provided GORGEOUS weather this week to help me stay strong. Thank you Jesus for taking such good care of me.

I have to give lots of Kudos to Bob for keeping everything humming right along during all this, too. He makes me feel like such a princess.

He presented me with Fresca and Chex mix when he got home and then when I asked where the chocolate was he took Caleb back to the store and got Reeses pieces, Mint 3 Muskateers, Twix, and a snickers! I guess I've made it quite obvious that I'm stressed. He sure knows how to take care of me :)

Panthers vs. Dragons

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pflugerville Panthers vs. Round Rock Dragons


Resting Heart Rate

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

According to Wikipedia an average adult female's resting heart rate is about 75. Mine is 118 right now. I have been 'resting' on the couch after waking up about an hour ago and it's kinda weird to have your heart beating so fast. This has been happening sporadically since I started school. Last week I had a really great week filled with sunshine, hope, and time with my hubby--I think it happened twice. Previously, it was happening almost every day. This week I am only working 2 shifts. I was hoping that that in itself would prevent this from happening.

I have talked to several people who have shared that they have experienced a similar symptom at certain times in their lives and made lifestyle changes to control this.

I am looking forward to not working nights. I think that asking my body to switch back and forth and go without sleep or normal sleep patterns is messing with me.

I will keep you posted on how this resolves. The biggest thing you can do for me right now is pray for me.

Panthers vs. Bears

Friday, September 26, 2008

Last Thursday night was Jake's 3rd Freshman Football Game and it was AWESOME!

Look for #78 blocking 2-3 men at a time!

It's Friday!!!

okay- so I wanna post this cool song I never noticed before- I was riding around in my van this morning in the beautiful sunlight in an especially great mood after having breakfast with my sister whom I have not seen in 2 months and this song came on the radio!

My First Tag!!!

Ah! I can't believe I just looked at my comments from 9/22 and I've been tagged by Twinsand2Boys. Let's see if I'm doing this right...

Here are the rules for tagging:
1.) Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2.) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3.) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4.) Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

7 Facts About Me:
1. My favorite color is lime green.
2. I am the fun parent.
3. I buy things for my kids sometimes because I want them to have more than I did.
4. I met my husband in April and married him 6 months later. (16 years ago)
5. My Grandma Pierce taught me to sew when I was 6.
6. I do a better job creatively and performance wise when I'm doing it for other people.
7. Nothing grosses me out, not blood, not guts, not snot, not puss, not slime, not spiders, not snakes, not varmints, not poop, nothing!

10 years ago I:
1. Was buying my first house
2. Was 27
3. Had 3 boys ages 6,5, and 2
4. Had just lost 25 lbs. by walking and doing Suzanne Somers.
5. Was still a "Capital Granny" by profession.

5 things on today's "to do" list:
1. Sweep up the 5 hamsters worth of dog hair on my tile.
2. Vacuum another 3 hamsters worth.
3. Backup my laptop before I get a Blue Screen of Death.
4. Study 2 chapters for Microbiology
5. Get all foo fooed up for a Date with my Hubby.

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolate covered raisins
2. Gardettos
3. Chex Mix
4. Tostitos & Queso
5. Milk Duds

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Get debt free including the house.
2. Invest wisely.
3. College tuition for our kids
4. Help family members that need it (including buy my Mom a house here in TX)
5. Go on a real vacation

5 places I have lived:
1. Oregon
2. Idaho
3. Hawaii
4. Oklahoma
5. California

5 jobs I have had:
1. Retail : Target
2. Nurse's Aid in nursing home
3. Army Medic
4. Web Designer
5. Certified Surgical Technologist

Okay- I will tag Twyla. I'm not sure I know 7 bloggers personally, but I'll work on it. THANX!

What a Difference A Year Makes

Wow! I just pulled up these to pictures to compare and !!!!!!!! is all I can say! Left- beginning of season 2007 Right-beginning of season 2008!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Wow! I can't believe this is already the end of September!

Fall has arrived!
...well, the colors are not as intense as in other parts of the country, but here is a photo from this morning:

This has been a hard year full of many ups and downs, highs and lows.

I am thankful for the ability to work again in my field of training and expertise. I have been back in the OR for almost 2 years now after being out for 2. -- 2 new jobs working more hours than I thought humanly possible. Such a blessed opportunity to earn and try to catch up financially.

The boys have been real troopers knowing that Mom is gone for a reason and always trying to greet me with hugs and kisses--even when I'm an unbearable grump to them.

The Summer brought some surprising trials and struggles that I'm still working on. I know that the Lord does such incredible things when He is molding us and making us in His image. It's just draining sometimes and I often have the thought that I am in a hurry to get to the 20/20 hindsight because He is so faithful to do such incredible things through the darkest times.

This Sanctus Real Song is song intense. It really expresses what I'm been going through this year.

If weakness is a wound that no one wants to speak of

Then "cool" is just how far we have to fall

I am not immune, I only want to be loved

But I feel safe behind the firewall

Can I lose my need impress?

If you want the truth I need to confess


I'm not alright, I'm broken inside

And all I go through, it leads me to you

Burn away the pride

Bring me to my weakness

Until everything I hide behind is gone

And when I'm open wide with nothing left to cling to

Only you are there to lead me on.

Honestly, I'm not that strong.

I'm not alright, I'm broken inside
And all I go through, it leads me to you
Burn away the pride
Bring me to my weakness
Until everything I hide behind is gone

And when I'm open wide with nothing left to cling to
Only you are there to lead me on.

I'm not alright... that's why I need you.

I probably don' t want to admit that I struggle with pride, but it is there. I struggle with perfectionism and needing to appear like I have it all together. I really enjoy when someone tells me that I am smart and good at something. Maybe too much. A good friend shared some wisdom that it is more important to seek the Lord and find out who I am IN HIM. I am still trying to find out who that is.

I hope you are seeing the colors in your life this Fall and that the Lord is blessing you with the opportunity to see Him in all things.

What I Do

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Yep, that's me on the right. So now you know :D
National Surgical Technologist Week is September 21-27th.
Who is behind the mask in your OR? Hopefully it's a nationally certified Surgical Technologist! It may even be ME!

Woot! Oh Shoot! Photography Course

Monday, September 15, 2008

Yippee!!! It starts today! I am so excited that I am actually going to learn to take my photography to an all new level! Just the opportunity to know what that M stands for and all the features and options on my Canon Digital Rebel XTi thrills me!

It is the one thing that I am doing for pure enjoyment to add something that doesn't have a deadline or add stress to my already chaotic life!

It is an online course by Candice Stringham. It is only available through!

I'm sure I'll be posting some Fall photos here soon. The first photo tips are referring to evening outdoor lighting and I can kill 2 birds with one stone by taking a walk to the park and apply some new techniques!

...I'll keep you posted!

Go Panthers!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Are you ready for some football!!! This is a video made by one of the parents of Jacob & Daegan's game last week. You'll have to mute your 'puter, though :D

Amazing How Much You Forget... 7 years.

When the professor started giving a cursory overview of ionic bonds, covalent bonds, saccharides, organic elements, peptidoglycan, and equations for chemical reactions I quickly realized just how much information can be "dumped" when you don't use it! I knew I would have my work cut out for me this weekend getting myself up to date with my studying, but sheesh! It is all extremely fascinating to me, though. So at least there's that.

I have gotten through Chapter 1 today, so I am hoping to get through Chapter 2 after church tomorrow and get going on my 'Article Review' that is due Tuesday.

I was going to use an article about Superbugs, but I was reading about biotechnology and gene therapy. I think I may look for another article pertaining to either one of those.

Meckenzie's 1st Bday Photos

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Well, it is now 4 months later.... and I have finally gotten around to editing Meckenzie's birthday pics. It was my very first big event with my new camera and Voila!, well-- not quite. All the photos looked great on the little tiny previewer, but once they were downloaded they were all WASHED out! :( Needless to say, I was highly disappointed. I have finally sat down and taken the time to edit each one. I used a few different techniques to get the color and saturation back-- I am always amazed at what Photoshop can attain.

Here is a small preview, but be sure to go to the album to enjoy the full effect.

Thursday Night Lights

Friday, August 29, 2008

Woo Hoo!!! Jacob and the Pflugerville Freshman Panthers won their first game of the season against Leander! What an awesome experience. Our friend Daegan is on the Leander team and played almost exactly opposite Jake. It was maybe a once in a lifetime experience, but we had lots of church family show up to root both of them on. Awesome Awesome! When you view the pics you can see our cheering section (we all cheered for both teams.

A GREAT BIG Thank You to Laura C., Gino, Earl, Melissa, David, Audra, Ethan, Dan, Sarah, Grace, and Jesse for showing up to support our young men!!!

Totally by chance, someone else was using their flash while I took this shot--Cool eh?! There are too many pics to post here on my blog so I'll furnish you 2 links to the 2 different photo galleries I made. This one is a regular html gallery: and this one is FLASH: So- if you want to right click and save any of them you'll need to view the html version. If you want copies that are printable size, though, email me or leave me a comment and I will send you links to full size photos.

Jacob (78) and Daegan (51)

Back To School!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wow! It's here already! Caleb is starting his Junior year, Jacob is a FRESHMAN!
and Nate is now an official Middle Schooler! Where has the time gone? Well, we had a fabulous summer filled with sun, fun, and friends, so now it's time to get back into a routine of learning--me included! I started my Microbiology class today. I can tell already that it's going to be fun and challenging. My instructor is great. She really seems to love what she does and she is really organized and conveys things well. We made our own "Petri" dishes today. It's started to all come back to me when I entered the classroom. There is just something about the smell of the lab that reminds you of all the bunsen burners, loops, and Agar medium. We had a once over of the syllabus and what to expect and then moved on to a quick overview of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. This is going to Rock!


Saturday, August 23, 2008

I have always loved sewing, but my projects take F-O-R-E-V-E-R. I am really proud of Caleb for finishing that Birdie Sling purse for me in 2 days! Nevertheless, I used to make (and sometimes still make) scrub hats for people at work. It is highly addictive to look through the fabric stores and pick out fun fabrics for hats. I think making purses and bags might become just as, er satisfying :) I found the fabric that the camera strap was made from and I may have to make a camera bag or some other kind of bag from this. I LOVE the colors and design. (Wish it was available in scrapbook paper, too!

Awesome Camera Straps

Jessica Sprague offered a contest to win one of these cool camera straps a couple of Photoshop Fridays ago during the Shazam Tutorial.

These are so cute! They are made by Natalie Putnam - owner of "Cotton Candy by Natalie" on Etsy. It is a great way to personalize your SLR with a yummy new accessory!

Natalie Grant Concert

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Really quickly...(my boys are hovering over me waiting for me to watch a movie with them) The Natalie Grant Concert was Awesome!!!

Her opener was Lyndsey Kane:


Thanx for visiting!


Awesome! I ordered the fabric and the pattern for the Amy Butler Birdie Sling and Caleb made it for me for my birthday! Happy Birthday to me :P Bob's gift was my Canon Digital Rebel XTi-(He's loving the fact that this counts all year long :)) My Mom got me an awesome set of Bare Minerals, I got a sweet note from Grandma Pierce, a lunch invite from my Sis, and a Natalie Grant Concert from my sweet Jake! Don't forget loads of hugs and kisses from Natester!

Back from Vacation

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Trip to San Antonio was awesome! We were in dire need of a break!

Nope, that's not Bob in the middle. Our Goliath is continuing to grow!

Our vacation wouldn't be complete without a stop at Starbuck's for a treat!


Love this one :D

Am I raising a Bouncer?

Wooooooo HOoooooooooooo! (We had a little bit of Rain)

Only $12 in "Whack a Mole" for this Gigantic Sonic :)

Family Dinner at Hard Rock

It took a while for me to relax and be able to soak up the family time, but I got there eventually. We had a condo that had no windows in the bedrooms, so we were able to just sleep like babies. We spent one day at Fiesta and a couple seeing the sights and watching movies. I had fun playing with the settings on my camera, too.

New Find

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I am REALLy having to resist beginning a new/old obsession. I went ahead and purchased the Amy Butler pattern for the sling purse, but now I see two more fabulous designers and their Yummy work. I was surfing Elizabeth Kartchner's Blog and I saw several cute ideas and these designers:
Sandy Henderson and her "Ginger Blossom" line of fabric and Heather Bailey and her lines. Simply Delicious! It make me want to create my own stuff to see all their beautiful work. Of course, it also makes me wish I had some little girls to sew for, but for now I can just enjoy the 'eye candy' :D

thanx for visiting!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Well, I haven't posted for awhile because I'm not sure how personal I want to get on here. But here I go.

The last 2 weeks have been KILLER! Working 4 twelve hour shifts per week is crazy enough but then add life to it and Kaboom! You have CRAZY!

Last week began with the Quest recap and straight on back to work. Honestly, the days and nights are a blur. My kids are home and bored stiff and I have heard a few times how they would love to go right back to Quest. They wish it were about 3 weeks long :D
Last week I knew I was completely exhausted when I slept 12 hours on Friday night and then 14 on Saturday night. I missed church; I was feeling down....... like waay down. I told a friend that I had not felt that bad for years. I prayed a lot and my husband consoled me as much as he could. My boys are surprisingly sensitive and compassionate. After I slept so much and had several conversations with friends I could feel the fog lifting and I am so grateful to the Lord for his faithfulness in answering my prayers and supplying for all my needs.

This week has zoomed by in its own blur. I have been trying to keep up with 2 websites and some pretty time consuming changes on them while working another week of 4 twelves. I was only scheduled to work 3, but I got asked to work Wednesday night to get them out of a jam. I acquiesced and postponed my lunch with a friend I've been wanting to spend some time with and postponed a meeting to start redesigning our church's website.

I hung around the hospital to wait for HR to open so that I could buy some discount Schlitterbahn tickets and had breakfast with my coworker/friend. During the breakfast my sister called and said,"Bad news, we're not going to Schlitterbahn"--she went on to say that she was at the hospital and had been there all night and that she was about to go in for emergency surgery. You can bet I was shocked! I told her that I wanted to come down there and she told me to just go home and she would call when she got out of surgery. Her poor husband was exhausted and he was going to try to snooze a bit and they would call me. So--I went home and couldn't really sleep. I think I dozed off around 10 and then she called around 1 or so. I tried to go back to bed at 3 but only slept until 5 and it wasn't continuous. Needless to say, I called my work at 5 to see if they could put me on call or something because I felt as if I had been hit by a truck. Mercifully, they put my on call until 11 and when Bob got home I went to bed. I woke up at 9 and decided to just go on in to work.

I called my Sis to see how she was doing and she said she was all settled in at home and was having only minimal pain. She is so sweet, she was all concerned about Natie not getting to go to Schlitterbahn and the boys being sad that they didn't get to see each other. I told her I would bring them all and come see her in the a.m.

Once I got off work I waited until 10 working on websites to hear from her and then made plans to sleep for a few hours and then head down. I didn't go to bed until noon and then Jake was waking me up every hour asking me when we were leaving. At 3 I finally got up and took a shower and we headed out to get gas, flowers, and dinner for Heather and her crew.

Surprisingly, I did not get a headache and had a nice time with her and her family and Aaron & Addie & McKenzie came over, too. Before Aaron's family came over, Heather & I took the kids to the pool and we relaxed and watched. Later, we watched the Olympics opening and had Pizza and hung out. It is so cool to see it in HD! McKenzie is so cute when she walks!

Once we got home I fell asleep at about midnight--I can't even believe I made it that long--and I woke up around 3 or 4 today (Saturday). Now I can't sleep and it's about 2 hours until I need to get up for church. C-R-A-Z-Y

Oh well, I have another week of 4s and then------VACATION!!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Jake and I are going to the Natalie Grant concert on the 21st, too!I am so excited! It's his birthday present to me (I have to work on my birthday-I traded it so I could have the 21st off :D )

I'd better try to get a few winks in before church.

thanx for visiting!

Baptisms! (6/29/2008)

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Caleb & Jake



Here he goes!


Wow! that is so incredible that all 3 of my boys have made public professions of Faith and are serving the Lord!!! What a phenomenal blessing.


I could spend a week playing with photoshop and these photos!!! I LOVE my new camera!